About course


Every adult educator participates in preparing students for the workplace through contextualized instruction, fostering partnerships, and even career counseling. Learn about the 4 R's of career counseling to help get your students ready to join the workforce.

Audience: Instructors, Counselors, and Administrators

The course format is asynchronous in nature, meaning you complete the course at your own pace. You’ll be able to look back at previous modules any time you’d like, and of course you can pause and re-watch any portions of the videos as needed. The video must be watched in its entirety for the quiz to unlock.  Upon full viewing of the video, you'll be taken back to your home dashboard, and the quiz will be unlocked. If you need to exit the video before completed, click "SAVE VIDEO PROGRESS" before exiting the video to pick back up at the same place next time you log in.

All materials referenced in this course are in the Course Materials folder.

Each module, you’ll view the module video and then complete a module assignment, and responses will be reviewed on a regular basis by the facilitator. You may review facilitator comments by clicking on past module assignments. A facilitator dashboard keeps us updated on your progress, and if you’re taking the course as part of your agency’s professional development requirements, your agency will be informed of your status on a regular basis.

Please note that you will be logged out of the course after a period of inactivity. This includes the Assignment screens. It is advised that you type your responses into a Word doc and then copy/paste into the assessment to ensure you don't lose your work.

If you encounter an issue at any point, navigate to the Technical Support tab on the right-hand side of the screen within the course.

All assignments translate to an online environment as well. Modify/improvise as needed to meet your students' needs, but still experiment with the tools and techniques introduced in the course.



Module 1 To Do:

  • Identify 3 community partners your program works with or should work with.
  • Locate your region’s workforce plans via the Workforce Investment Boards.
  • Complete the Module 1 Assignment.

1 Video, 1 Quiz

Module 2 To Do:

  • Review the sample goal-setting forms linked in the course materials.
  • Create and upload your own form.
  • If an instructor, use CareerOneStop.org in a lesson this week.
  • Complete the Module 2 Assignment

1 Video, 1 Quiz

Module 3 To Do:

  • Complete the Module 4 Assignment
  • Complete the Post-Test
  • Download your certificate of completion

1 Video, 2 Quiz


Great question! Susan Roberts of SCR Consulting has trained thousands of adult educators across the country through engaging in-person workshops and seminars on a variety of adult education practices. Using her knowledge of what works and what doesn’t, she utilizes research-based, practical approaches to introducing the same content effectively in an online environment. Rather than simply reading text on a screen, SCR Academy courses utilize module videos with Susan as your guide as you journey through the content. Project-based learning activities bring the concepts into the classroom with guidance from SCR Academy facilitators along the way.
Upon payment—either by your agency’s provided enrollment key or through credit card—you will be enrolled in the course. You’ll start by taking the pre-assessment—an informal quiz to test your knowledge about the course content. Then, the first module will unlock for you to begin work.
A new module will unlock each week, but only if you have completed the module before it. While the courses are self-paced, your agency and SCR Academy may have parameters in place for a completion timeline. Long periods of inactivity may result in your deactivation from the course.
A certificate of completion will generate when you have completed all course requirements. You must download and/or print the certificate as proof of your completion.
Within the course, navigate to the Technical Support tab on the right side of the screen. Otherwise, you can always email Susan: susan@scr.consulting.


  • Unlimited access to all course content.
  • $400.00 only to start off.
  • Certificate when you complete the course.

Course Tutorial Video